CONTENT OF AJP Fizika C: Magsud Aliyev-100

2024 C az

N.Sh. Jafar, Influence of matrix effects on analysis of biological fluids by inductive coupled plasma mass spectrometry method

03-08  pdf
2024 C az

Ch.E. Sabzaliyeva, N.N. Mursakulov, N.N. Abdulzade, Effect of thermal treatment and humidity on electrical and optical properties of ZnO:Al layers deposited by magnetron sputtering method

09-12  pdf
2024 C az

N.N. Haciyeva, G.B. Əhmədova, R.A. Məmmədov, Qamma şüalanmiş YSPE/GaAs və YSPE/GaAs<Te> kompozitlərin quruluşu

13-14  pdf
2024 C az

E.O. Mansurova, Review of satellite optical system for climat change

15-17  pdf
2024 C az

F.Sh. Jafarova, Z.A. Tagiyeva, S.A. Guseynova, S.S. Akhadova, V.M. Gadjiyeva, Development of environmentally clean economical and effective method of pre-sowing treatment of cotton seeds using the effect of high voltage impulse discharge

18-23  pdf
2024 C az

H.B. İbrahimov, R.Z. İbayeva, Aşağıölçülü sistemlərdə yükdaşıyıcıların səpilməsi və işığın udulması

24-29  pdf
2024 C az

C.I. Huseynov, H.A. Aslanov, G.A. Garashova, I.I. Abbasov, Electrophysical properties of CVD ZnSe polycrystals impedance spectroscopy

30-33  pdf
2024 C az

A.F. Kazimova, V.İ. Nəsirov, K1-xNaxNO3(x=0.035, 0.045) kristallarinda polimorf çevrilmələr

34-36  pdf
2024 C az

М.V. Gojayeva, Analytical solution of the Klein-Fock-Gordon equation for the linear combination of the Hulthén and the class of Yukawa potentials

37-44  pdf
2024 C az

Vüqar Əmir oğlu Əliyev, Elektron materialşünaslığında yeni tendensiyalar

45-46  pdf
2024 C az

P.H. Ismayilova, A.A. Ismailov, A.A. Ismailov, X.Sh. Velibekov, Electrıcal propertıes of
In1-xSmxSe (х=0; 0,01; 0,03; 0,05; 0,07) and In1-xErxSe (x=0; 0,0001; 0,0003; 0,0005; 0,0007) crystals

47-49  pdf
2024 C az

P.H. Ismayilova, N.Z. Gasanov, A.A. Hajiyeva, M.C. Najafzade, Optical properties of TlGaS2 single crystals doped with transition metal Ni

50-52  pdf
2024 C az

A.G. Asadov, A.İ. Mammadov, D.P. Kozlenko, S.E. Kiçanov, R.Z. Mehdiyeva, E.V. Lukin, O.N. Lis, R.E. Huseynov, E.R. Huseynova, Study of vibration modes at high pressures in layered perovskite-like Nd2Ti2O7

53-57  pdf
2024 C az

S.I. Mekhtiyeva, A.I. Isayev, A.Z. Abasova, R.I. Alekberov, Study of optical absorption in chalcogenide glassy systems As-Se, As-Se-S, As-Se-Te

58-63  pdf
2024 C az

Z.A. Jahangirli, B.G. Mekhtiev, R.G. Seidov, T.O. Bayramova, Ab initio investigation of the dynamic properties of CdGa2Te4

64-66  pdf
2024 C az

E.A. Isayeva, Comparison of theories of probability and L. Zadeh’s fuzzy sets

67-71  pdf
2024 C en

E. Koç, M.M. Shirinov and B.G. Salamov, Effective role of volumetric collisions in breakdown at atmospheric pressure in semiconductor gas discharge system

03-06  pdf 
2024 C en

I.K. Kamilov, L.A. Saypulaeva, N.V. Melnikova, A.I. Ril, S.F. Marenkin, Sh.M. Aliev, High pressure effect on 3D topologically nontrivial systems with magnetic impurities

07-13  pdf 
2024 C en

Sh.M. Aliev, Zh.G. Ibaev, Determination of the magnetic anisotropy constant in microparticles of powder-based permanent magnets by Mössbauer spectroscopy

14-16  pdf 
2024 C en

I.K. Kamilov, L.A. Saipulaeva, N.V. Melnikova, A.I. Ril, S.F. Marenkin, Thermoelectrical properties of Mn-doped n-Cd3As2

17-23  pdf 
2024 C en

I.F. Yusibova, Sh.N. Aliyeva, Elastic properties of Ni-Cu-Zn ferrite nanopowders

24-26  pdf 
2024 C en

I.K. Kamilov, A.B. Batdalov, L.N. Khanov, A.A. Mukhuchev, A.V. Mashirov, A.M. Aliyev,
Phase transitions and thermophysical properties of Ni50.2Mn39.8In10 Geissler alloy

27-31  pdf 
2024 C en

Magomed Magomedovich Guseynov, Ibragimkhan Kamilovich Kamilov, Gamma-resonance sudies of rocks near the east (Kingdom Saudi Arabia, Turkey)

32-36  pdf 
2024 C en

Ibragimkhan K. Kamilov, Naida S. Abakarova, Study of the response of semiconductor structures to external perturbations

37-39  pdf 
2024 C en

S.N. Mustafaeva, S.M. Asadov, Transport phenomena and dielectric properties of multicomponent (TlGaSe2)1-x(TlGaS2)x (x = 0 – 1.0)

40-42  pdf 
2024 C en

S.N. Mustafaeva, S.M. Asadov, M.M. Godjaev, Dielectric and transport properties of
(TlInS2)1-x (TlGaSe2)x in alternating electric fields

43-45  pdf 
2024 C en

M.M. Tagiyev, R.Y. Аliyev, A.M. Mammadzadeh, Kh.F. Aliyeva, K.I. Magerramova, Electrical properties of solid solutions of the Sb2Te3-Bi2Te3 system doped with gadolinium impurity

46-49  pdf 
2024 C en

E.Sh. Alekperov, G.B. Ibragimov, A.M. Nazarov, A.M. Narimanzade, Formation of TlGaSe2 amorphous films under the effect of Ge atoms

50-52  pdf